The best request writing samples are those which are prepared from dictation in the exact wording of the questioned documents. It is useful when the signatures and/or writings are obtained on like forms using an instrument (ball point pen, felt tip pen, or pencil) similar to that used on the original questioned documents.
Other suggestions include:
- Begin the request writing session by asking for completion of the Request Writing Form.
- Whenever possible, using forms similar to the original document, ask the writer to complete copies of these forms fifteen times. If a similar form is unavailable, ask for samples on white paper, 8.5" x 11." Provide a signature line if needed.]
- The writer should be given only one page at a time.
- Remove each sample from the sight of the writer as soon as it is completed. Prevent the writer from seeing either the original document in question or any copies.
- Signature or writing sample requests should be dictated without information regarding spelling, punctuation, spacing, capitalization or other identifying characteristics.
- Use a writing instrument comparable to the one used on the questioned document.
- Ask writer to date and initial each sample page.
- Document Examiner should do the sample and number samples in order.
- Person requesting sample should also date and initial pages on the reverse side.
- Continue process until desired samples are obtained.